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A Statement from our Chairman on the Inauguration of President Lai Ching-te and Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim

By: Randall G. Schriver |

The Project 2049 Institute congratulates President Lai Ching-te and Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim on their inauguration today. President Lai and Vice President Hsiao have long and distinguished careers in public service, and we look forward to watching them lead Taiwan into a new era. We also commend Tsai Ing-wen on her eight successful years as Taiwan’s president. During that time, Taiwan’s relationship with the United States reached new heights, as did Taiwan’s ties to a variety of countries in Europe and across the Indo-Pacific. Most notably, she ably led Taiwan through the COVID-19 pandemic, while making positive contributions to international partners
struggling with the virus.

In the 28 years since Taiwan’s first direct presidential election, Taiwan has become a thriving multiparty democracy, a prosperous hi-tech economy, and a force for good in the world. Taiwan’s people deserve plaudits for these remarkable achievements. They also deserve support in sustaining them.

Today, Taiwan and the United States face security challenges in the Indo-Pacific that recall some of the darkest days of the twentieth century, with an aspiring hegemon seeking to dominate the region and annex territories to which it has no rightful claim. Our two countries face new urgency in working together to mitigate these threats.

At the same time, Taiwan and the United States face significant opportunities: to pursue new scientific and technological breakthroughs, to achieve new levels of prosperity, and to advance the cause of freedom around the world. As we look to the future, we remain confident that the mutual commitment and good will of Taiwanese and Americans alike will bear great fruit in the years to come. With President Lai, Vice President Hsiao, and their talented team taking the helm in Taipei, the Project 2049 Institute will continue to advocate for and support efforts to advance our countries’ shared interests.

The Honorable Randall G. Schriver

The Project 2049 Institute
